8 Ways to Support Your Pet’s Immune Health During Winter

8 Ways to Support Your Pet’s Immune Health During Winter

Much of Australia may be surprised to learn that, around May each year, it can get pretty cold! While we humans are off getting our flu shots, warming up in our big jumpers, and avoiding the seasonal colds that always do the rounds when the temperatures drop, it often...
The Impact of Heartworm in Domestic Pets

The Impact of Heartworm in Domestic Pets

If you own a dog or cat, chances are you’ve heard of heartworm before. After all, regular heartworm prevention medications are part and parcel of owning a pet. But that also means that many pet owners may discount the impact of heartworm. So let’s break down what...
Arthritis in Pets: Signs, Management and Prevention

Arthritis in Pets: Signs, Management and Prevention

As a pet owner, you want your furry friend to stay healthy and happy throughout their whole life. But as your pet ages, they may experience aches and pains, just like we humans do. One of the most common conditions that affects pets as they get older is arthritis,...