In kittens and cats, Neovet is indicated for the treatment and prevention of;
Neovet contains imidacloprid and moxidectin. Both imidacloprid and moxidectin are neurotoxic to many parasites (not mammals) and work by stopping transmission of nerve signals in the body. This causes paralysis, stopping respiration and results in the fast death of the parasite.
Neovet is simply applied directly to the skin, once a month. Neovet ensures that fleas that land on your pet will stop feeding, immediately become paralysed and die. In addition, Neovet also controls the larval stages of fleas in the environment and so prevents reinfestation. To prevent heartworm, round and whipworm, Neovet should also be applied each month.
Neovet safety has been tested and approved for kittens from 9 weeks of age. Treat mum until weaning, then treat the individual kittens (from 9 weeks). To treat kittens between weaning age and 9 weeks, speak to your vet and remember that WORMING of kittens and mum is most important (more kittens die from worms than any other parasite by a long way). For control of roundworms and hookworms kittens require worming at 2, 4 and 8 weeks of age, your vet will be able to help you with your queen’s pregnancy, weaning and ongoing care for mum and kitties.
Within 3 to 5 minutes! Plus it kills both adult fleas and larvae within 20. Fleas are not required to bite the animal to receive a lethal dose so it also combats Flea Allergy Dermatitis for those kitties that have an issue wth this too.
Neovet remains effective following shampooing, swimming or exposure to rain. However your pet should not be allowed to swim (what cat does than anyway?) or be shampooed within 6 hours of treatment. You do NOT need to wash your pet prior to applying Neovet. Avoid applying Neovet while you cat is wet. The liquid vehicle in Neovet may discolour or damage certain surfaces and fabrics e.g. polished floorboards, leather. Exclude the animal from contact with such surfaces until the product dries on the animal’s coat.
Neovet can be used in the management of pets with very itchy and inflammed skin due to flea bites – also known as flea allergy dermatitis. Occasionally, hair loss may occur at the application site. This is usually a single occurrence and hair will grow back eventually. Neovet has no strong chemical smell.
Fleas, mites, mange, intestinal worms and heartworm are an all-year problem so Neovet should be applied once a month throughout the year.
Evidence suggests that no adverse effects are to be expected in pregnant and lactating queens. However, the safety of Neovet has not been confirmed in scientific trials during pregnancy and lactation.
While there is no absolute requirement for a heartworm test before commencing treatment with Neovet it is recommended at test be performed as Neovet only kills juvenile and larval forms of heartworm. If your pup has adult heartworm this requires a very different form of treatment that is only available from your vet.
Harmful if inhaled or swallowed. Will damage the eyes. Avoid contact with eyes. Do not inhale vapour. If product in eyes, wash it out immediately with water. Wash hands after use.
If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre on 13 11 26 (Australia).