Tag Archives: Simparica Trio

What are the Signs of Heartworm in Dogs?

Heartworm is a serious and potentially deadly disease that affects the heart, lungs and other organs of dogs. It is caused by an insidious parasite that is spread through mosquito bites. Fortunately, heartworms can be prevented with a monthly chew, such as Simparica Trio.

While it’s easy to prevent heartworm disease, it’s important to catch the signs of heartworms as soon as possible to prevent serious health complications. 

Sadly, because heartworm disease is caused by a parasite that is contracted through mosquito bites, it can be difficult to detect until it’s already advanced. However, there are certain signs to look out for that may indicate your dog has heartworms.

Here’s what you need to know about recognising the signs of heartworm in dogs and how you can keep your canine companion safe.

How Heartworm Disease Affects Dogs

Heartworm is caused by a type of roundworm that is spread by mosquitoes. Once bitten, worm larvae penetrate the skin and move through the bloodstream until they reach the heart and lungs. 

The larvae will mature into adult worms over time, and as their numbers increase, they cause damage to vital organs and block blood flow. If left untreated, heartworms can cause organ failure, respiratory distress and even death.

Common Signs of Heartworm in Dogs 

The early signs of heartworms can be hard to detect because they resemble other conditions or may not be present at all. The most common symptoms of heartworm in dogs include: 

  • Coughing
  • Lethargy
  • Weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Difficulty breathing during exertion 
  • Fatigue after only mild activity or exercise 

As the infection progresses, more noticeable physical signs, such as swollen abdomen or limbs, may become apparent. Since these signs can also indicate other illnesses such as pneumonia or bronchitis, it’s best to have your veterinarian perform tests if you suspect your pup may be suffering from heartworms. 

In addition to physical symptoms, there may be changes in your dog’s behaviour as well. For instance, they may become more irritable or aggressive than normal. They may also seem unusually quiet or withdrawn. If you notice any changes in your dog’s behaviour that are out of the ordinary, it’s important to have them checked out by a veterinarian right away. 

Diagnosing Heartworm Disease 

The only way to definitively diagnose heartworm disease is through laboratory tests, such as an antibody test or a blood test. Your veterinarian will be able to recommend the best course of action for diagnosing your dog if they suspect they have heartworms. 

Once diagnosed with heartworms, there are several treatments available, depending on severity of the case and your pooch’s age and overall health.

Preventing Heartworm Disease

Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to heartworms as treatment can be costly and time-consuming. By far, the leading way to protect against heartworm disease is monthly topical or oral medication, such as Simparica Trio.

Additionally, limit your dog’s exposure to mosquitoes by keeping them indoors when mosquitos are most active (dusk and dawn) and using repellent when outdoors. Protecting your pet from mosquitos with clothing or mosquito nets while outdoors can also help.

Be sure to keep their bedding clean and dry since parasites thrive in moist environments. Finally, make sure your pet gets plenty of exercise, which will not only help keep them healthy, but also help strengthen their immune system, so they’re better able to fight off potential infections from parasites like heartworms.      

Start your pup on Simparica Trio today. Find the right size for your pooch with our full range of Simparica Trio for puppies and dogs! One monthly chew will provide broad parasite protection for 35 days to keep your pupper healthy and thriving. Shop the range now!

How Often Does My Dog Need Flea, Tick and Worm Treatment?

Fleas, ticks, and worms can be detrimental to the health of your dog. They can cause skin irritation, fatigue, anaemia and other illnesses that may be difficult to treat. 

It’s important to keep your dog safe from these parasites and have them treated on a regular basis. The good news is there are a variety of treatments available that can help keep your pup safe from these pests. 

However, it is important to know how often your dog should receive flea, tick and worm treatment, so you can give them the proper care they need. So, how often should you be treating your pooch for fleas, ticks and worms? Let’s find out!

Flea Treatment for Dogs

Fleas can cause a lot of discomfort and skin irritation in dogs. To help keep your pup flea-free, it is important to use an effective flea treatment on a regular basis. Depending on the product you choose, you may need to apply it once a month or once every three months. 

Tick Treatment for Dogs

Ticks can carry dangerous diseases, so it’s important that your dog is protected from them as well. If you are located in an area with high concentrations of ticks or if you take your pup for frequent walks in bushy or scrubby areas, then a monthly tick treatment is recommended.

Worm Treatment for Dogs

Finally, it is important to ensure that your pooch receives a regular worming treatment as well. The product you select should consider your dog’s age and lifestyle, as various worming treatments are suitable for different stages of life – from puppy to adult.

Keeping Your Dog Free of Fleas, Ticks, and Worms

In general, most flea tick and worm treatments should be administered every month in order to ensure that your pooch remains healthy and pest-free. Some spot-on treatments may require less frequent administration, while oral medications may be needed more frequently. 

If you’re unsure about which treatment is best for your pup or how often it should be administered, talk to your veterinarian for advice. 

Our team of vets have hand-selected a range of flea, tick and worm treatment options for dogs that are fully endorsed by the APVMA. We stock many of the brands that you know and love, plus generic options which help you save money on your pet’s care. You can explore our full range of flea, tick and worm treatments for dogs here.

In addition to regular flea, tick and worm treatments, there are a few other things you can do to help keep your pupper safe from pests. Regularly groom your dog with a brush or comb in order to remove any existing pests, as well as their eggs before they hatch and multiply. 

Additionally, make sure that any areas where your dog spends time outside, such as yards or parks, are free from standing water where mosquitoes can lay their eggs. 

Lastly, wash all bedding regularly in hot water in order to kill any lingering pests or eggs that might have been brought inside your home by accident. 

Fleas, ticks, and worms are no fun for anyone – especially for our furry friends! To ensure that your pup stays healthy and pest-free, it’s important to give them regular flea, tick and worm treatments, as well as following our preventative care tips above.

Taking preventative measures now will go a long way towards keeping your furry friend healthy long into the future!

We offer a broad range of flea, tick and worm treatments for dogs that are hand-selected by our team of Australian veterinarians. Protect your pooch from common pesky parasites, including fleas, ticks, intestinal worms and heartworms. Shop the range now!

How Can I Protect My Dog From Ticks?

Tick paralysis is one of the most common pet emergencies and, with ticks prevalent throughout northern and eastern Australia, it’s not entirely unexpected.

Sadly, tick paralysis isn’t the only risk that ticks pose to dogs. These pesky little parasites are known to carry diseases and tick bites can also lead to inflammation and infection. For these reasons, it’s crucial that all pet parents know what to do to protect against ticks. 

Thankfully, there are numerous steps you can take this tick season to protect your dog from ticks. But prevention is, by far, the golden rule when it comes to these potentially lethal parasites. In this article, we give you some useful tips to protect your pooch from ticks. 

1. Learn about ticks in your local area

There are four types of tick in Australia that affect dogs. These include the paralysis tick, the bush tick, the cattle tick and the brown dog tick. 

Knowing which ticks reside in the area will help you to protect against them. Keep in mind all the environments that your dog may be exposed to, including in your yard at home and when you take them outdoors to grassy or bushland areas.

Even though paralysis ticks and bush ticks prefer dense vegetation, they may enter urban areas by attaching themselves to wild animals, such as possums. 

Cattle ticks and brown dog ticks are most active in regional and tropical areas, typically closer to livestock, so consider your proximity to farms and kennels.

2. Use tick prevention products 

There are a multitude of products available that are specifically targeted at preventing ticks. These medications range from ingested and topical solutions, to collars and sprays. 

Knowing which ticks are in your area will help you in selecting the right tick prevention product. Our veterinarians recommend Simparica for dogs, a monthly tick preventative, which is available in Simparica and Simparica Trio.

Simparica Trio kills 98% of paralysis ticks, bush ticks and brown dog ticks within eight hours of treatment – the fastest knockdown of any product available. A single chewable tablet also provides 35 days of protection against new ticks. It’s safe for use in puppies from eight weeks of age and weighing over 1.3kg. 

3. Check for ticks daily during tick season

In Australia, tick season occurs in the Summer months of December to February. During this time, you should check your dog daily for ticks. The sooner you find and remove any ticks, the lower the chances are of tick paralysis and disease transmission.

Paralysis ticks prefer to embed themselves around the head, neck, chest and shoulders. However, they may also be found in the ears, mouth or under the collar, between the paw pads and under the tail, so don’t miss these areas during your search.

Be aware the risk of ticks in regional and tropical areas can be year-round. If you notice any changes in your dog’s behaviour that may indicate a tick bite, such as heavy breathing, vomiting or lethargy, check them thoroughly for ticks. 

4. Remove the entire tick, including the head

It’s vital that any embedded ticks are removed completely intact. When ticks are removed improperly, the head may be left behind, which can lead to irritation and infection.

When removing a tick, always wear gloves to avoid exposing yourself to any diseases the tick may be carrying. It’s recommended to use a specialised tool for extracting ticks. These devices enable you to grab onto the tick and pull it off easily.

Your veterinarian will be able to give you advice on the best methods for tick removal. Do not attempt any “wives’ tales” that instruct you to burn, douse or apply products to ticks as these methods don’t work and may make it more difficult to remove the tick intact.

5. Know the symptoms of paralysis ticks

Lastly, familiarise yourself with the symptoms of tick bites. Tick paralysis and tick-borne diseases can be fatal to your dog if not treated quickly, so the best defence you can arm yourself with is information on the clinical signs.

Symptoms of tick paralysis include:

  • Heavy breathing, which may be rapid or impeded
  • Coughing or any change to the sound of the dog’s bark
  • Vomiting, retching or an exaggerated swallowing action
  • Wobbliness, lethargy or difficulty standing

Alarmingly, these symptoms can progress rapidly over several days and in the worst cases lead to respiratory or health failure. Using Simparica for dogs, such as Simparica and Simparica Trio is one of the most effective ways to prevent the deadly paralysis tick.

Start using Simparica for dogs today! Our Simparica range includes Simparica and Simparica Trio. One monthly chew provides broad protection for your pooch against the most common ticks, including paralysis tick. Shop the range now!

Why Vets Recommend Simparica Trio for Dogs in Australia

Simparica Trio provides broad protection against fleas, ticks, intestinal worms and heartworm and is recommended by Aussie vets for Aussie dogs.

In Australia, we love spending time outdoors with our dogs. But Australia is also home to some of the deadliest parasites. Two of the most concerning parasites that are potentially life threatening for your pooch are heartworm and the paralysis tick.

The parasitic worm, Dirofilaria immitis, responsible for heartworm disease can infect your dog through a single mosquito bite, while paralysis ticks are found in bushland and scrub along Australia’s east coast, from Queensland to Victoria.

Let’s take a closer look at the parasites that Simparica Trio combats in puppies and dogs.


Heartworms can live inside an infected dog for five to seven years! Once mature, the adult heartworms reside in the heart, lungs and associated blood vessels. While the severity of the disease is often dependent upon a few factors, such as the number of worms present (worm burden), their presence in these vital organs is potentially deadly.

The difficulty with heartworm disease is that some infected dogs may show only mild symptoms or none at all. However, if left untreated, a heavy worm burden can cause various symptoms, such as a persistent cough, difficulty breathing, and heart failure. Simparica Trio is proven to kill 100% of heartworms and prevents heartworm disease when given monthly. 

Paralysis Ticks

Tick paralysis in dogs is caused by the female paralysis tick, Ixodes holocyclus, which secretes a paralysing neurotoxin into the bloodstream as they feed. Symptoms of tick paralysis, including heavy breathing, coughing, vomiting and difficulty standing, can progress rapidly over several days. If left untreated, the condition can lead to respiratory or heart failure. 

Tick paralysis is one of the most common pet emergencies, making prevention crucial to protect your pooch. Simparica Trio kills paralysis ticks, as well as brown ticks and bush ticks. One chewable tablet also provides 35 days of protection against new ticks. Daily searching for and removal of ticks is also recommended during the Summer months (tick season). 

Other Parasites

Simparica Trio is also recommended by vets in Australia for its effectiveness at treating and controlling other harmful parasites in puppies and dogs, including fleas and intestinal worms – some of which can be transmitted from infected dogs to people!

Despite their small size, fleas are responsible for the majority of skin diseases in dogs. Their bites cause irritation that ranges in severity from itchiness to potentially fatal allergic reactions. Simparica Trio has been shown to kill fleas within 4-8 hours of treatment.

Simparica Trio also provides 35 days of protection against four species of hookworms and roundworms when administered monthly. In addition, it assists in decreasing the risk of transmission of these parasites to other pets and people in your home.

Of the two species of roundworm that can infest dogs in Australia, the species Toxocara canis can spread from infected dogs to humans. In these cases, it’s usually children who are more vulnerable as they’re most at risk of ingesting dirt that has been contaminated. 

Wrap Up

Simparica Trio is one of the most popular parasite protection options for dogs in Australia. It is safe for dogs from eight weeks of age and weighing over 1.3KG. Simparica Trio is a tasty liver-flavoured chewable tablet that even the fussiest of dogs will readily consume. 

We stock six sizes of Simparica Trio from Puppy to Extra Large Dog to ensure every dog owner can find the right option. It’s important to follow the dosage instructions when giving Simparica Trio to your pooch as each dose is formulated for a specific bodyweight. 

Parasite prevention is an important part of pet care and Simparica Trio makes it easy to protect your pooch’s lifelong health and wellbeing. You don’t need a prescription to use Simparica Trio and unlike other parasite treatments, no heartworm testing is required.

Start your pup on Simparica Trio today. Find the right size for your pooch with our full range of Simparica Trio for puppies and dogs! One monthly chew will provide broad parasite protection for 35 days to keep your pupper healthy and thriving. Shop the range now!